KFC | Chick’N Share

KFC needed to drive lunchtime visit frequency to their restaurants across Latin America and the Caribbean by promoting Chick’N Share, a bucket made for two. To help them achieve this business objective, our creative team found a clever way to use social connectivity and geo-location to gamify traffic to store.

Through social check-in targeting, users were invited to obtain Chick’N Share incentives on KFC's website. There they received just half of a coupon with instructions to choose a friend to share their meal with and send them the other half of the coupon. By seizing on people's natural desire to share lunch with a friend and avoid “FOMO”, our strategy made coupon redemption playful and fun while amplifying social sharing.

KFC | Always Original

In order to help KFC genuinely connect with their Latin American and Caribbean audiences, our creative team moved focus from the brand to the people. To celebrate originality, we sparked brand popularity with young adults by featuring unique talents under KFC’s brand positioning of Always Original.

We recruited real co-creators to share the motivation behind their dreams—not for likes and sponsorships, but out of a genuine love for their craft. The talents we chose were accomplished in different entrepreneurial and creative fields for all the right reasons, and we produced documentary-style videos and engaging social content to showcase their originality.


Avocados From Mexico


Miller Lite